Finding Your Voice 2025


Beasily DE are looking for partner organisations to join us in an application to realise the third Finding Your Voice Training Course. An international training course exploring singing as a tool for engagement and political education with young people.

Key Action 1: Application Deadline (October 2024)

Finding Your Voice is a training course that offers an opportunity for youth workers and those working with young people the opportunity to explore and develop the use of voice and singing as a methodology for promoting democratic participation.  

Finding Your Voice has already successfully been realised in Italy, and last year Scotland. The project and application aims to build on the knowledge and experiences of previous partner organisations but mainly the input and direction of the specialists involved with the delivery. 

The connection between music and politics, particularly political expression in song, has been seen in many cultures. Although music can influence political movements and rituals, it is not clear how or to what extent general audiences relate to music on a political level. Music can express anti-establishment or protest themes, including anti-war songs, but also pro-establishment ideas can represented. From the  ‘singing revolution’ across the Baltic countries to the punk anti-establishment of the 70’s and more recently of Pussy Riot in Russia, music and song seem to lend itself well as a platform for protest. More recently the social media phenomena of TikTok has also become an outlet for sharing opinions through song. 

So how as youth workers can we encourage the young people we work with to explore and engage as active citizens in the democratic process and find their political voice? 

This training wants to firstly explore the benefits of singing as a youth tool and methodology. How can we utilise singing for promoting self confidence and developing positive self esteem and other youth work priorities such as teamwork, problem solving and cultural expression. 

We will then look to explore the power and influence of the ‘protest song’ and how we can use singing for promoting democratic participation. 

Target Groups

Youth workers, youth leaders, volunteers, and those working with young people.

The Training Courses Overall Aim:

To empower youth workers and those working with young people to harness the transformative potential of singing and vocal expression as a means to enhance personal development, communication skills, active citizenship, and leadership abilities. This course seeks to enable participants to not only discover the joy of singing but also to recognise its value as a tool for personal growth and social change. Equipping youth workers with tools to actively engage young people in developing essential skills for active participation, civic and democratic responsibility, pathways to employability and/or education through a new found confidence in expressing themselves through using their voice.


The main objectives of the course are:

  • Discover the pleasure of singing and using your own voice;
  • Explore the power of using your own voice to express thoughts, emotions, feelings and intentions;
  • Understand how singing can be used as a personal development tool helping to increase self-esteem and perception;
  • Explore how singing can be used to encourage active listening, cooperation and dialogue in our work with young people;
  • Define through the dynamics of singing a positive approach towards leadership and development of skills;
  • Identify approaches to dialogue, political change, active citizenship, and the conveyance of messages through song that can support our youth work. This course also focuses in particular on two of the main objectives of Key Action 1 of the Erasmus + program:
    • Support young people in the acquisition of skills (knowledge, skills and attitude) so as to improve their personal development and employability in the European labor market and beyond
    • Support the professional development of those working in the fields of education, training and youth in order to renew and improve the quality of teaching, training and social-educational animation throughout Europe.

Proposed Dates of Activity

[May to September 2025] TBC


Germany TBC

Host and Organiser

Beasily is a creative organisation, founded and based in Germany. We work nationally and internationally with young people and those working creatively with young people through the arts to realise a range of music, theatre and creative engagement projects.

  Read More About Us



We will look to cover most of the costs through the grant where we can, but if successful we do ask for a participation fee for each participant of 75Euro to 125 Euro depending on status as well as anything over the travel allowance is at the costs of the individual and/or organisation. (Students and unemployed individuals 75Euro, Part time workers 100Euro, full time workers 125Euro)

Project Information

Form ID: KA153-YOU-80297FD7

Deadline: (Brussels Time) Oct 2024

Project Title: Finding Your Voice

Project Acronym: BE-FYV-DE-25

Project Start Date: 01/01/2024

Duration: 12 Months

Project End Date: 31/12/2025

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: DE04 - JUGEND für Europa

Mandates: Once we have selected partners we will be back in touch to confirm signed mandates.

Partner Registration

Register to become a partner in the K153 Application:

Please complete the Partner Form no later the 6th of September 2024

Questions & Contact

The primary contacts for the call for partners are Buzz & Mafalda