StageCraft for Youth Workers
Develop advanced communication, presentation and facilitation skills for youth work, with an experienced team, combining approaches such as theatre, comedy, storytelling, psychology, sociology, education, music, social and creative community work.
21-29 November 2023 | Hof, Germany
Everything you need to know
Participation and dissemination
By applying for and accepting a place on this training course, participants commit themselves to actively participate in the whole process, including:
- to read all the information carefully
- to communicate timely with the organisers
- to prepare adequately for the training course
- to actively take part in the full duration of the activities and training
- to participate in the evaluation process after the course
- to provide all necessary travel documentation and details
Dissemination and celebrating the learning outcomes is a crucial part of the E+ project lifecycle. It gives the opportunity to communicate and share outcomes, thus extending the impact of a project. Sharing results, lessons learned, outcomes and findings will enable a wider community to benefit from a work that has received EU funding.

You will be encouraged and required to actively take part in the dissemination of the project during and after the course. We will offer you tips and space for coming up with ideas and planning.
Venue & Location
The accommodation will be in shared rooms – which are shared dormitory-type rooms. Shower and toilets are shared. All bed linen will be provided. Towels are not provided. The venue is not accessible.
Our group will be responsible for living together during the course. It is a normal part of our educational approach and encourages community spirit, responsibility and sharing. Everyday tasks will be shared by participants, as part of the "sustainable living" experience.
Participants arrival and registration at the venue will be from 2.00PM to 5.30PM on Tuesday, the 21st of November.
The programme will start at 6.30PM. Please ensure you arrive with plenty of time to join the official start of the training.
The training will end on the evening of Tuesday, the 28th November. Departures will be on Wednesday, the 29th November, after breakfast.
Our training programme includes half a day free and we will propose some options for possible visits to one of the local towns and sightseeing limited to the local surroundings. This will be organised by yourselves.
If you wish to explore more of Germany we recommend you to take a few extra days before OR after the course. You can do this and still be eligible for a travel reimbursement. Any extra accommodation and travel costs for those extra days will be at your own expense and responsibility.
From our experience people gain the most from these training courses when they are fully present and fully immersed into the learning programme. Therefore we strongly recommend:
Attending the course
from beginning till the end is one of the basic conditions for participation. Please arrange your travel to be there on time and depart after the trainings conclusion.
Being fully present
in all the sessions for all days of the training course.
Arranging your work/life schedules
so that you do not have online commitments, meetings and other distracting responsibilities.
Please arrive at the venue between 2PM - 5.30PM on Tuesday 21st of November.
The destination is:
Evang. Freizeitheim Untertiefengrün, Berg (Oberfranken)
Evang. Freizeitheim Untertiefengrün,
Mühlberg 2,
95180 Berg,
The nearest town is Hof.
When you have booked your flights and planned your onward journey to Untertiefengrün please let us know via the link to the travel form which we will mail you (coming soon).
For those that cannot manage to get the bus all the way to the venue in time - don't worry! We will have a mini bus and will arrange 3-4 pick ups from Hof train station on the 21st of November depending on your arrival times. Spaces are limited so please do try and get the bus to the venue.

Our tips & recommendations for booking
Your Arrival Information
You have confirmed your place on the course by sending us your tickets pdf.
Please send us your Arrival Information by filling in The Arrivals Form
We have arranged arrivals into Groups. Please download the following PDF
StageCraft23 - Arrivals - Transport PDF
Please connect with your group on Facebook / WhatsApp and meet at the Station when you arrive.
If you cant make a connection or your bus/train is late please let me know on +44 7543 836721
If your bus or train is late please don't worry there will be later shuttles which you can travel to the venue. If you arrive really late I will collect you or ask you to take a taxi! Everyone will get there safely :-)
Checkout and departure from the venue between is 6AM - 9AM on the 29th of November.
Please book return flights and plan your return journey in advance.
We will assist you with early departures and drop offs at the station and arrange this with you when you are at the venue.
Travel Insurance
It is highly unlikely that there will be restrictions due to Covid, however the National Agency will not reimburse any losses due to Covid (course cancellation etc).
This is also the case for missed flights or unforeseen circumstances. If you do not have one already we strongly advise you to get a travel insurance policy which covers cancellation.
Travel Confirmation
In order to confirm your place on the course we need you to send us your booking confirmation for flights, train tickets, buses no later than Friday the 27th of October. Please send us pdfs of all your travel bookings to to confirm your place on the training.
Travel Costs
The course is co-funded through the Erasmus+ European programme. We can reimburse only the cheapest transportation possible and only public transport, 2nd class fares. Travel with Taxi or private vehicles by prior approval of the organising team. For the reimbursements, we will need:
1. An invoice with the itinerary of your trip, the names of the passengers and, very important, the price of the ticket. Usually all this information is available on the e- tickets for flights or on the confirmation email.
2. All your original travel tickets and receipts (train and bus tickets) which you wish to have reimbursed. We cannot provide reimbursement without the original of these documents, so it will be your responsibility to take good care of them.
We can reimburse your flights, only if you present us your boarding passes and proof of ticket purchase (paid invoice from the flight company).
This table shows the maximum amount per person for a return journey (two ways). Please try NOT to spend more than this:

Travel Reimbursement
To determine where you are from, in this programme residence is the counting factor, not nationality. This means that we can support the participation of somebody living in Poland (or Greece, Spain, etc) as long as they travel from and to that country, no matter what nationality is shown on their passports. Please, don't ask for exceptions ("I'm originally from Czech Republic but now I live in Belgium can I travel from there?"), as these are the rules and unfortunately we cannot change them!
The reimbursement will be done after the end of the project, after we successfully get all the tickets and boarding passes, including your return trip back home. This process can take 4-6 weeks while we process all the documents and organise the transfers. More information about when and where to send the tickets, and the relevant reimbursement form will be given during the training course.
If your travel costs exceed this amount you will be liable for the extra costs.
Participation Fee
Participation in this training course requires payment of an on-the-spot participation fee to be paid in cash on a sliding scale from 50€ to 150€.
You will be free to choose your contribution depending on your personal circumstances and financial possibilities and the value you see in the 7 days training programme.
If you are from an organisation other than our partner organisations, then you may be able to ask them to contribute on your behalf. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this.
Receipts can be provided on request after the training course.
Useful Information
We are very lucky to have Brett Mather, a top Chef from Scotland, preparing all our meals for us. Brett is renowned for his hearty menus and amazing desserts! All meals will be vegetarian. We promise no one will go hungry. 😋
Please inform us of any special dietary requirements (vegan, gluten free etc.) by filling in The Dietary requirements & other info Form
There will be a cold storage area if you need to bring special food with you to supplement your specific diet.
International Break Times
Sharing is caring: liebe geht durch das magen. We would like to ask each country to host a break time. Please bring some of your favourite snacks - biscuits, crisps, cakes, sweets, etc - to represent your country and which you can share with the other participants at a break time.
What to Bring
Bring your own towel & toiletries.
Bring a pair of slippers to wear inside the house!
We may be outside for a few light outdoor activities. We are in a rural area and may decide to go for a forest walk on our free afternoon. So please come prepared with some suitable outdoor clothing and footwear.
It’s not unlikely that there will be snow at the end of November but it will definitely be cold so please be sure to bring some warm clothes.
Pack your own phone and laptop and chargers, and travel adaptors according to the local standards.
Basic Internet is available at the venue, but the signal can be very weak. Do not plan online meetings or work deadlines during the course.
Personal Responsibility
Providing information on special needs does not remove the participant’s personal responsibility for ensuring their own health and safety.
Obtaining full travel insurance (travel risks, medical, injuries) is the participant's responsibility.
Pictures, videos, images taken at the course, as well as the materials produced during the activities, can be used by BeASILY to document the activity in reports or websites or social networks, or for promotional material.Online Groups
Online Groups
- This will be our main group and we will use this group during the week to stay in touch.
- It's especially useful to keep everyone updated of travel plans en route.
- Open this link to join thr StageCraft 2023 WhatsApp Group
- Join via QR Code
- For general sharing, introductions and getting to know each other.
- Click the Invite Link
- Join via QR Code

Google Drive
- coming soon

Prepare a Personal Presentation
The training is all about presenting effectively, so we invite you to prepare a 2 minute presentation to share with the group. It can be for any situation you choose. Here are some ideas:
- Young People’s Award Ceremony
- Best Man/Woman speech at a wedding
- Presentation to funders about the importance of youth work
- Briefing Parents and families before a youth exchange
- To teachers and young people in a school to launch a youth project
The emphasis is on personal communication to the group so please think about your message and delivery. Humour is very welcome! Its not necessary to record a film or prepare slides which require a projector.
Any other questions?
If anything is not clear or we have forgotten anything here please mail us on we will be happy to answer your questions.
We will update the page as required and if your question is relevant to other members of the group we will add it here. Be sure to check this page regularly
There is a public bus from Hof to direct to the Venue. You can search for on Deutsche Bahn Website for Untertiefengrün
those that cannot manage to get the bus all the way to the venue in
time - don't worry! We will have a mini bus and will arrange 3-4 pick
ups from Hof train station on the 21st of November depending on your
arrival times. Spaces are limited so please do try and get the bus to
the venue.
Everyone must fill in the travel form to tell us how and what time you plan to arrive. If you tell us you cant get to the Venue by Bus we will arrange for you to travel alone or with other particpants by shared Taxi or Mini Bus. Alternatively we may arrange to collect you.
We will make sure everyone gets to the venue!
Yes there is a WiFi internet connection at the Venue. It might be slow and disintegrate with 30+ users. So please get some GBs on your phone
Join the WhatsApp Group
Yes - if you urgently need to wash your clothes because you've been travelling or have an onward journey please ask us. We are not able to launder everyones clothes
You wont need a laptop to complete the course - paper, notebooks, pens and pencils will be provided.
No - Its a very informal presentation that you’ll give directly to the group in person - please dont film anything or prepare any slides in advance. You have around 2 minutes to talk to the group
Meet Our Team of Trainers
The lovely people who will ensure you have an exceptional experience!
All your questions answered - Mail your question to
Please contact us directly with all your questions. However if you need to speak to someone in your own language about the details of travel,
visas, participation fees or anything else here are our local Partners for this course.
They will be happy to assist you and can liaise with us if necessary.
Country | Name | Company Name | |
Czechia | Carmine Rodi Falanga | Vice Versa CZ, z.s. | |
Hungary | Beata Kovacsne Teslery | Hangolda Eygesület | |
Italy | Jan Lai | Associazione Interculturale NUR | |
Netherlands | Sandra Zoomers | Breakthrough | |
Poland | Ben Holland | Świat Rozpędu | |
Romania | Ioana-Alexandra Stoicescu | Asociatia Un Strop de Fericir | |
Slovenia | Špela Gorjan | Društvo Center za pomoč mladim - CPM | Youth Aid Center Association - YACA | |
Spain | Esther Vallado | Asociación Biodiversa | |
Türkiye | Aytaç Uzunlas | Pancar Derneği | |
Mail Archive
A list of all the mails we've sent you
StageCraft 2023 - your EU VISA Application
Open Mail in Browser Turkish Particpants only